Book Review : The Nightingale and Other Stories.


The Nightingale and Other Stories

        Author: Maniki Deep 

No of Pages:96

Book type: Short Story Collection

Genre : Contemporary Fiction

Average Rating of the book : 3.9 stars out of 5

This book is a collection of 10 short stories, based on the situations we face in real life.

From Cukee Walia's silken-sweet voice to Nargis bewitching dance from Mahrukh the sweetest flower to the Din water Scoundrels from Satanic Times of Blue Stat to Row Symmonds' loss; the Sweet and Sour Stew of Sou and Samar to the Summer of 2002-these ten eclectic short stories feature subjects fixated in society's social consciousness. Unfolded and revealed to the author from her interaction with people, who spilt forth their experience from the rhythm of their lives, she fictionalized them in persuade inform and entertain.

Note: Every reader sees the same story differently according to their perspective. 

Some gems that this book says us:

  • Life changes, The story shows that life changes,
  •  no-matter how many hardships you are going through, it will end, you will find someone who deserves you .
  • If you are facing a difficulty , don't include others in it , face it by your own no matter.
  • Do not trust anyone blindly ,People changes.
  • Whether it is a relationship or friendship , always there will be up's and down's , it is all about patience.
  • God is always with you
  • Never punish the innocent, whether it is in life or court.
  • Always be there for someone who loves you and vice versa
  • Death is nature, whoever is born will die one day
  • Never take drugs
  • No matter how high you grow , whether in professional or personal life , never take up any bad habits.    

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